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Back to School Shopping for Grown Ups


Back to School Shopping for Grown Ups

You see those kids walking the aisles of Staples with list in hand putting all those amazing new school supplies in their cart.  Maybe those kids are yours.  Whatever the circumstance, you know you’re jealous and want a few new supplies for your self.  Back to school shopping doesn’t have to be just for them.

their list : notebook paper

your list : Post-Its

You don’t really need to have that loose notebook paper to do your math homework on anymore.  What you do need are Post-It notes to stick all over the house so you don’t forget anything.  I really don’t think I could live life without them.  I use them when I entertain to stick in the serving dishes, when scheduling blog posts, to remind me there’s wet towels in the washer, to leave cute little notes for Hubs to tell him how much I love him and that the trash needs to go down and about a million other ways.  They’re the best.

their list : basic pens

your list : Papermate Flairs

These are my favorite pens.  I love how they write, that they don’t bleed and all the colors they come in.  While there will always be a place for the basic Bic pen, you’re an adult now and don’t have to follow the teacher’s rule as to what color your homework can be written in.  Do kids even write out their homework anymore?  Write out that note to a friend in purple, mark down your mom’s birthday on your calendar in green, the rainbow is yours!

their list : three ring binder

your list : really cute three ring binder

So you don’t need a binder to keep notes for class but you do need one to keep your life together.  A binder is the perfect portable command center for yourself and your entire family.  I have one for YDP things and one for our home.  It really is the perfect thing to keep paperwork together and able to move from desk, to kitchen table to couch to front porch depending on my choice of office for the day.

their list : dividers

your list : dividers

So you may need the same thing but you won’t be separating science notes from a spelling list.  Dividers are great to separate different aspects of your life in that really cute three ring binder.  In my YDP binder I have a sections for blog posts, promotion ideas and shop orders.  In my home binder I separate bills to be paid, important paperwork, our budget and take-out menus.  I like dividers with pockets for things that can’t be three hole punched and with the re-writable tabs in case you need to make changes in your organizing plan.

their list : crayons

your list : Sharpies

I have news for you.  You are now a grown up and now officially responsible enough to use a Sharpie and no one is afraid.  Your mother never would have allowed you to color with Sharpies when you were a kid.  She was afraid for the walls, the furniture and your own body.  Crayons were safe.  Live on the edge and treat yourself to the big pack of Sharpies with every color then sit on the couch and use them.  I trust you.

their list : notebook

your list : really cute notebook

You no longer have the need for a Five Star notebook.  But you still need to jot random things down from time to time.  I love a little notebook on my desk, on the kitchen counter and in my bag.  You never know when you’re going to need to write down an important voicemail, make a quick list or write down those hopes and dreams of yours.  Poppin notebooks are the perfect size and are very adult looking without the spiral binding.  I bet you never had a gold notebook when you were in school.

their list : number 2 pencils

your list : cute pencils

Remember when your teacher made you do all your math work in pencil?  Now you have the choice when you use pencil and when you don’t.  It might just be me, but I love writing in pencil.  Maybe its the perfectionist in me and the option to erase away any mistakes, but I love it.  I write my to-dos in my planner in pencil.  I discovered the Papermate retractable pencils last year and I love them.  They’re cool looking, write amazingly and always have a sharp point.

their list : folders

your list : cute file folders

You always needed a folder to keep homework, important papers and the lunch menu from getting lost.  Now you need file folders to keep things like your marriage license from getting lost.  Make filing more fun with cute file folders.  Giving those paid bills, your birth certificates and tax return forms a cute home makes the hard, adult things in life easier.  At least that’s what I tell myself.

their list : new backpack

your list : cute pouch

I used to love picking out my new backpack for the year.  From L.L. Bean to North Face I still have a few of them.  I know backpacks are back in, but you probably don’t have the need for one as an adult.  What you do always need are little pouches to keep the little things in life together when you throw them in your bag.  These are the perfect size to throw necessities in and transfer from bag to bag as needed.  That chap stick won’t get lost in the bottom of your huge tote anymore.

This post is not sponsored by Staples in anyway.  I just have a deep, deep love for their office and school supplies.  All opinions are my own and from my own experience.

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